Celebrating 25 Years
Dedicated to the preservation, restoration and sharing of all technical knowledge for Norton motorcycles, fellowship of all our members and families, and of course… riding a Norton!
in the beginning
… around the Saturday night campfire, I asked Guy Fortier if he would consider dropping the “Eastern” from Eastern Ontario Norton Owners.
Two Meter Peter
High Lord of All Things Relevant
Peter Joseph Turner | Membership #2
My first learnings of a Norton group in Ontario was in 1995 from the Norton News. They were holding the Black Fly Rally north of Kingston in June of 1996. This is where I was introduced to the Eastern Ontario Norton Owners, a tight group of Norton riders from the Kingston area. Holding this rally got the attention of other serious Norton fanatics. We, as the riders not from the Kingston area, went to find good roads and with some roads under construction – read gravel, tight corners and brakes not up to speed – we had the Bent Shifter Award.
Went to 1997 and the group from the other side of Toronto was getting bigger. In 1998 around the Saturday night campfire I asked Guy Fortier if he would consider dropping the “Eastern” from Eastern Ontario Norton Owners. After the rally I am told that all members were asked if Eastern should be dropped. All but one person agreed and in 1999 it was enthusiastically decided that the new club name was to be Ontario Norton Owners.
norton nomad
The Norton Nomad showcases stories of adventure. Break downs and all. Riding vintage as far as we can go. Oh Yes, ONo is the best way to describe us!
We are a group of like-minded nomads who are always on the move covering vast distances, sometimes well past the borders of our native Ontario.
Share your Norton stories of recent – or very distant (like in the 70s) vintage road adventures! We would like to hear about your recent builds. Also, technical knowledge is very much sought after as we are not all experts, but some of us are! Simple things too, like Kevin Robinson will be writing about replacing the springs in your rear brake drum for better performance.
Klaus recently did a great write up on the history of Gus Kuhn, an important player in Norton racing and aftermarket parts for our bikes.
Send in your advice and remember the club mantra… the sharing of all technical knowledge.
To share a story or advertise in Norton Nomad contact Manse
Join ONo
the committed
Peter Turner
Premier | High Lord of All Things Relevant
Manse James
Norton Nomad | Toronto
Klaus Kaak
Events | Toronto
Yasmin Hosein
Treasurer | Toronto
Thomas ‘nuke’ Zumpe
Secretary | Niagara
Craig Humphries
Website | Ottawa
Paul Johnston
Rally Coordinator
Geoff Doherty
Prince Edward County
Paul ‘Tommo’ Thompson
Lake Simcoe
Pierre ‘manitou’ Masbou
Kevin Robinson