Long Live our Norton Club
When I arrived in 85,
I left behind a biker life,
rode English copies, rising sun,
afraid of gremlins, they don’t run.
But once up here, upon the Lakes,
I got tired of all the fakes,
go and get a British horse,
and ride authentic, without remorse.
To heck with copies, lets get real,
my English lady has that feel.
Rallied up in Michigan,
met Suzi our superfan,
even then her light shone bright,
at fires lit all through the night.
The flies are black near Kingston forts,
so Guy could not resist,
invited all the Norton sports,
to Lake District and mist.
And soon this club existed in 1999,
thank Guy that he insisted,
with energy sublime.
Rallies followed in Montrose,
elephants with longish nose,
after that by Vince & Gale,
Chucky’s cottage in the dale,
Lavigne too and Gravenhurst,
quenching summer riding thirst.
And here we are at twenty five,
in Letterkenny – still alive,
long live our Norton club,
classic steeds from hub to hub.
A never ending source to bond,
with the brand we love,
from across the pond,
soon enough, electrons rule,
but lets keep open… Norton school.
Bless your season with open eye,
some fool out there will always try.
Klaus 2024